
A web client of Twitter, forked from embr, with better compatibility and functionality.

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

embrr, a fork from embr

This is a twitter web client fork from embr, mainly based on r91 and merged necessary changes until the latest revisions, updated to Twitter REST API v1.1 and have some improved features.

You can download the zip archive of current version here if you don't want to use git-clone.

How to Install

The installation of embrr is pretty much the same with embr's, you just need to get the source, rename config.sample.php in /lib to config.php, edit it with your own app information and upload it to your hosting directory.

And here are some tips you may want to know:

  • embrr requires php-curl and php-bcmath
  • while not necessarily required, php-mcrypt is recommended
  • embrr is compatible with PHP from version 5.2 to 5.5, we didn't test it on 5.1 or older versions

Installing in sub-directory

If you need to install embrr in a sub-directory of your website, say, in /embrr, you'll need to adjust the .htaccess file with /embrr/user.php and /embrr/status.php instead of /user.php and /status.php.


For nginx users, you'll need to add these lines to your nginx config file:

location / {
    if (!-f $request_filename) {
        rewrite ^/(\d+)$ /status.php?id=$1 last;
        rewrite ^/(\w+)$ /user.php?id=$1 last;

And of course, adjust it if you are in a sub-directory.


If you're having issues changing pages or sending DMs, try modify your php.ini as follows:

precision = 24 ;Use a value lager than 19 to replace the default 14

embrr, 一个修改版的 embr

这是一个从 embr 修改而来的 twitter 网页端,主要基于 r91 版本并合并了后续修订版的必要更新,升级到了 Twitter REST API v1.1 并有一些功能上的改进。

如果不想使用 git-clone 获取代码,可以点这里下载当前版本的 zip 压缩包。


安装 embrr 的方法和 embr 原版基本相同,只需要下载代码包,重命名 /lib 中的 config.sample.php 文件为 config.php, 编辑此配置文件填入适当的 app 信息,再将代码上传至网站空间即可。


  • embrr 依赖于 php-curlphp-bcmath 组件
  • 虽然不是必需依赖,但建议安装 php-mcrypt 组件
  • embrr 兼容 PHP 5.2 至 5.5 的版本,我们没有测试过 5.1 及之前版本


如果需要将 embrr 安装在二级目录中,例如安装在 /embrr 中,则需要修改 .htaccess 文件,使用 /embrr/user.php/embrr/status.php 替换 /user.php/status.php.


对于 nginx 用户,需要在配置文件中加入以下代码:

location / {
    if (!-f $request_filename) {
        rewrite ^/(\d+)$ /status.php?id=$1 last;
        rewrite ^/(\w+)$ /user.php?id=$1 last;



如果翻页或者发送 DM 时遇到问题,尝试在 php.ini 中做如下修改:

precision = 24 ;使用大于 19 的值替换默认值 14

As I'm not an expert of PHP nor twitter API, do expect bugs everywhere.

All helps are welcomed!

请做好 bug 满天飞的心理准备以及欢迎拍砖和协助修改。