
This Repository corresponds with the Tracking portion of Space Hardware class

Primary LanguagePython


Each branch of this Repository corresponds to a lab completed in for Space Hardware Class'(ENG 4350) Satellite Tracking Portion of the Class

The Code follows the Suggested Programming Structure (see Suggested_Programming_Structure.png). It is recommended to view the 'Software Specification' and 'Tracking Program Documentation' files to understand the program in depth


Inputs are in File called "Reference Files"

  • Station Location
  • TLE file
  • Tracking Schedule
  • Link Inputs


  • Aqusition of Signal (AOS) List
  • Loss of Signal (LOS) List
  • Azimuth/Elevation (AZ/EL) Tables
  • Tracking Data (fazal document) to input into ARO

Known Issues:

Documentaiton Issues:

  • Tracking Program Docuementation needs to be broght up from Lab06+ Mobile files
  • Software Specifications Document needs to be brough up from Lab03 files
  • Lab06+ contains two programs Lab06+ 'standard' and 'mobile'
    • 'standard' does not contain correct Rate values and posses other issues
    • 'mobile' needs to be renamed 'Lab06+ Version 1.2'

Code Issues

  • Mean Anomally Off by 1 degree
  • Eccentricity Anomaly off by 1.5 degrees
  • True Anomaly off by around 2 degrees

Last Revised: 03:06* 2021-01-27.... *I don't sleep