This Repository Contains 150+ web development Projects.
Pinned issues
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🐛 [BUG] - <dark-mode >
#1065 opened by mohitmk007 - 2
🐛 [BUG] - <title>The Image at the Tourist Website Project is not Showing its broken
#1063 opened by gopiexplore - 3
🐛 [BUG] - <title>The Image at the Spotify Clone Project is not Showing its broken
#1062 opened by gopiexplore - 4
- 4
🐛 [BUG] - <the image at the Range-Slider project is not showing its broken>
#1059 opened by gopiexplore - 1
- 5
Add a URL_Shortner project
#968 opened by madhhuurrii - 10
Change Project Landing Page
#1046 opened by Astrodevil - 4
add new tower of hanoi game made by me
#920 opened by shreyashkr17 - 14
#927 opened by sanil011 - 7
Implement toggle button functionality to switch between Analog and Digital clock
#928 opened by sanil011 - 5
- 12
Improved UI for BMI Calculator
#914 opened by i-ujjwaljha - 2
🐛 [BUG] - Maze website image is broken at home page
#1071 opened by JD-3002 - 2
💡 would like to contribute a to-do-list web development project usig html css and js
#1074 opened by akshatkhatri - 4
- 1
- 2
Hamburger menu
#955 opened by ankita-104 - 4
Dark mode for Analog Clock
#976 opened by undextered - 15
Project Maintainer Needed
#1037 opened by Astrodevil - 5
Update Email Validator.
#930 opened by surbhi400 - 5
Github pages not working properly
#1039 opened by rafael-rodrigues01 - 3
Search Icon UI update for the Food Filter Project
#1028 opened by leoimewore - 2
Github Pages not Updated.
#1008 opened by itsrealkaran - 1
CSS Animation Project
#985 opened by Dimple-Choudhary - 0
Restructuring the UI of CoWin Slot Notifier
#961 opened by Vidip-Ghosh - 4
Improving UI of Color Code Converter
#895 opened by rtewari056 - 1
add a project - movie-details-generator
#1030 opened by avanisaxena9 - 1
Addition of new project
#949 opened by anmolrajsoni15 - 1
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UI Improvement in Color Game
#916 opened by amitmishra11 - 1
Want to submit a animated project Using HTML+CSS
#988 opened by acciocoder - 5
I wish to add more buttons in Calculator
#901 opened by aditya-464 - 3
Audio feature not working in Dictionary app
#986 opened by getRicha - 1
#1020 opened by sulakshanachetry - 1
Drum-kit Project
#1036 opened by snehap02 - 2
Password Generator
#1023 opened by Swap-nil-2003 - 2
Dark mode button not Working
#973 opened by Ayushhgupta39 - 1
Color Flipper
#990 opened by a01745865 - 1
Email link not working
#959 opened by prakhar-1005 - 0
Hover feature for the arrow button
#960 opened by prakhar-1005 - 2
Add remove button in Resume Builder
#915 opened by aditya-464 - 1
Enhance UI of RGB Mixer
#954 opened by VedantTarale - 2
I wish to add more features in notes app
#908 opened by Shubhcs01 - 1
Improving UI of Height Converter
#887 opened by Drishti-jain21 - 1
Typing Speed Test
#888 opened by dishant-yadav - 0
Candy Store Project is not found
#889 opened by rtewari056