A dedicated driver library implementation of PCD8544 graphic controller for Espressif IoT Development Framework (ESP-IDF).
(PCD8544 is a.k.a. Nokia 5110 LCD module).
Documentation and API reference is available at readthedocs.org.
Application examples are in separeted repository: https://github.com/yanbe/esp32-pcd8544-examples
- All functionalities in the PCD8544 datasheet are implemented
- Enforce native pin assignemnt for fast and low latency IO_MUX direct IO.
- Manual Pin assignment is availble via API ( no #define PIN_NUM_XX in header files)
- Asyncronous DMA-transfer mode is supported on HSPI / VSPI host
- Efficient draw lines / formatted text / bitmap APIs
- Good sample codes / examples (TBD)