
Primary LanguageAssembly

Updated 16-10-2023:

  • Player colors (proto/production red player 1) cab be set in NARCEQU.ASM
  • NARCDATA.ASM has the chopper wave as stage 1. Not sure if this where it needs to be.
  • BLUEP1 0 = red, 1 = blue.
  • Notice the non-implemented SNOWQUEEN in NARCMUGS.ASM (She's supposed to be RLE encoded into program rom.)
  • Notice the non-implemented GAY in NARCMUGS.LOD (Only the mug shot appears used.)
  • NARC1.IMG has some guy in yellow jumpsuit not used anywhere, YELNARC palette. Possible placeholder?
  • cars.img has an unused delivery truck, with doors opening, a driver etc.

Updated version Nov 11 2023:

  • run fixer.py in SYS and NARC to update old GSP assembler format directives and constants to ones that work with 6.10
  • this will fix up the source files in the OLD folder and put them in the main folder
  • run gmake -m in the SYS folder
  • run gmake allnarc -m in the NARC folder
  • run nothing in the DIAG folder, it appears precompiled(!)
  • run ROM_B\NARCROMS.BAT, now you have NARCFC and NARCFE files. these are 27010 ROM images.
  • for MAME, rename the ROMs as follows:
  • or use rename.cmd in a cmd prompt.

current problems:

  • the DMA1 version of LOAD doesn't seem to be available anywhere, so I can't produce graphics ROMs until that's reverse-engineered or found
  • fortunately the graphics and sound are pre-built...
  • ...except for the mugshots, title screen, and FBI logo which are all linked into the program ROMs by LOAD.


  • The production roms have this data inside them at FFF93000 -> FFFFDA00 so we can dump it.
  • We learned from mk2 and others how they insert files into the program area if gfx rom is full.
  • Then use load2.exe to turn this BIN file into irw with a custom .lod file
  • Then update the LRN files to use this new IRW file.
  • We don't touch narcmugs.lod this way, and we can't since the refs are now hardcoded.
  • We don't need to unless we change so much that the game becomes larger.