This micro-service is part of course-registration system.
This service manages offered courses for professors and registered courses for students using MongoDB Every successful request would return Status: 200 with requested data. In case of any error encoutered, {response: "error message"} would be returned as request's response with respective status code.
Action | URL | Description |
POST | /offered_course | Offers new course Fields: Course_id CRN Offered_by Day_Time consisting of day, start_time and end_time |
GET | /offered_course /offered_course?course_id=? /offered_course?email_id=? /offered_course?crn=? |
Fetches all offered courses or based on offered_course_id, offerring_professor_email_id or offered_course's CRN respectively |
PUT | /offered_course/:crn | Update offered_course using the given CRN Fields: Day_time consisting of day, start_time and end_time |
DELETE | /offered_course/:crn | Delete an offered course using the given CRN |
Action | URL | Description |
POST | /register_course | Registers for a offered course Fields: student_email_id registered_course_crns |
GET | /register_course /register_course?email_id=? /register_course?crn=? |
Fetches all registered courses or based on registered_student_email_id or registered_course CRN respectively |
PUT | /register_course?crn=? | Update registered course using the given CRN Fields: registered_course_crns |
DELETE | /register_course?crn=? | Delete a registered course using the given CRN |