
Problems based on Binary Search and various problem solving templates & patterns

Primary LanguageJava

Binary Search

Binary Search Study Material & Resources

Problems based on the Binary Search (Big List) (Goals Tracking)

Problems based on the Binary Search (Big List) (Goals Tracking)

Binary Search Problems (SDE Sheet - Day 11) (Striver) (Goals Tracking)

Binary Search Problems (SDE Sheet - Day 11) (Striver) (Goals Tracking)

  • Difficulity: Medium to Hard
Completion Status Problems on Binary Search Explanation Solution
🔃 Calculating n-th real root using binary search Brute, Better & Optimal Approaches Java Soultion
🔃 Median in a row-wise sorted Matrix Brute, Better & Optimal Approaches Java Soultion
✅ Single Element in a Sorted Array Brute, Better & Optimal Approaches Java Soultion
✅ Search in Rotated Sorted Array Approach Java Soultion
🔃 Median of Two Sorted Arrays Brute, Better & Optimal Approaches Java Soultion
🔃 K-th Element of Two Sorted Arrays Brute, Better & Optimal Approaches Java Soultion
🔃 Allocate Minimum Number of Pages Brute, Better & Optimal Approaches Java Soultion
🔃 Aggressive Cows Brute, Better & Optimal Approaches Java Soultion

Binary Search Notes

Condition: Array must be sorted

Steps used in Binary Search (Algorithm)

  • Find the middle element (Type 1)
    • ( mid = ( start + end ) / 2 )
  • Optimization for finding middle element (Type 2)
    • mid = start + ( (end - start) / 2 )
    • Problem before: Integer Overflow!!! - might be possible that (start + end) exceeds the range of int in Java
  • If target > mid => search in the right
  • Else => search in left
  • If middle element == target element => return (answer)

Binary Search in Java (Code)

package com.aswin;

public class BinarySearch {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int[] arr = {-18, -12, -4, 0, 2, 3, 4, 15, 16, 18, 22, 45, 89};
        int target = 3;
        int ans = binarySearch(arr, target);

    // return the index
    // return -1 if it does not exist
    static int binarySearch(int[] arr, int target) {
        int start = 0;
        int end = arr.length - 1;

        while(start <= end) {
            // find the middle element
            // int mid = (start + end) / 2;
            // Problem: might be possible that (start + end) exceeds the range of int in Java

            int mid = start + ( (end - start) / 2 );

            if(target < arr[mid]) {
                end = mid - 1;
            } else if (target > arr[mid]) {
                start = mid + 1;
            } else {
                // ans found
                return mid;

        return -1;


SafeGet Function in Binary Search (Important)

  • During Binary Search, when we access the array elements (at both ends) in search space, we must avoid Array Index Out Of Bounds Error.
  • So, always use the following function
int safeGet(int[] A, int i) {
    if(0 <= i && i < A.length) {
        return A[i];
    } else {
        return Integer.MAX_VALUE;

Order-Agnostic Binary Search

  • When the array order is unknown ( ascending order or descending order ?)

Steps for descending order

  • Find the middle element
    • ( mid = ( start + end ) / 2 )
  • If target > mid => search in the left
  • If target < mid => search in right
  • Else middle element == target element (answer)

So, How do we find the order?

  • Just check the start and end
  • Steps :
    • if start < end => Ascending order
    • else => Descending order

Java Code - Order Agnostic Binary Search

  • One small change in Binary Search logic: find whether the array is sorted in ascending or descending
    • boolean isAsc = arr[start] < arr[end]
package com.aswin;

public class OrderAgnosticBS {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int[] arr = {-18, -12, -4, 0, 2, 3, 4, 15, 16, 18, 22, 45, 89};
        int target = 3;
        int ans = orderAgnosticBS(arr, target);

    // return the index
    // return -1 if it does not exist
    static int orderAgnosticBS(int[] arr, int target) {
        int start = 0;
        int end = arr.length - 1;

        // find whether the array is sorted in ascending or descending
        boolean isAsc = arr[start] < arr[end];

        while(start <= end) {
            // find the middle element
            // int mid = (start + end) / 2;
            // Problem: might be possible that (start + end) exceeds the range of int in Java

            int mid = start + ( (end - start) / 2 );

            if(arr[mid] == target) {
                // ans found
                return mid;
            if(isAsc) {
                if(target < arr[mid]) {
                    end = mid - 1;
                } else {
                    start = mid + 1;
            else {
                if(target > arr[mid]) {
                    end = mid - 1;
                } else {
                    start = mid + 1;


        return -1;

When do we apply Binary Search ?

  • Sorted array (If we are given as input)
  • When you are required to get one particular answer and you are following a continuous sequence to get the answer:
    • Square Root of a number
  • Maximize the minimum answer
  • Minimize the maximum answer
  • Maximize the answer
  • Minimize the answer
  • much more ...

Binary Search Problems w/ Dry Run, Breakdowns, & Code (Kunal Kushwaha)

  • Difficulity: Easy to Hard

1. Ceiling of a number

  • Ceiling of number: Smallest element in array which is greater than or equal to target
  • Steps
    1. Find the closest or equal number to target
    1. Find all the numbers which are greater than the previous result (Binary Search)
    1. Return the smallest number from the previous category

  • Consider the following example:
  • arr = [2, 3, 5, 9, 14, 16, 18], target = 14
  • ceiling(arr, target=14) = 14
  • ceiling(arr, target=15) = 16
  • ceiling(arr, target=4) = 5
  • ceiling(arr, target=9) = 9

  • If target is found, return the target
  • Else return the start
  • Because when the condition is violated in the while loop: start = end + 1
  •   start  target  end              =>              end  target  start
  • So the answer is not in this range, and the smallest element which is greater than or equal to target is the start

Java Code Link: Ceiling of a number

2. Floor of a number

  • Ceiling of number: Greatest element in array which is smaller than or equal to target
  • Steps
    1. Find the closest or equal number to target
    1. Find all the numbers which are smaller than the previous result (Binary Search)
    1. Return the greatest number from the previous category

  • Consider the following example:
  • arr = [2, 3, 5, 9, 14, 16, 18], target = 14
  • floor(arr, target=4) = 3
  • floor(arr, target=9) = 9
  • floor(arr, target=14) = 14
  • floor(arr, target=19) = 18

  • If target is found, return the target
  • Else return the end
  • Because when the condition is violated in the while loop: start = end + 1
  •   start  target  end              =>              target  end  start
  • So the answer is not in this range, and the greatest element which is smaller than or equal to target is the end

3. Find Smallest Letter Greater Than Target

  • Similar to Ceiling of a number
  • Change: Ignore mid == target condition
  • Change: Return start % arr.length as the result

4. Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array Facebook

  • Apply Binary Search Twice:
  • Find the first occurrence of the target - Change: Update ans and end each time
  • Find the last occurrence of the target - Change: Update ans and start each time

  • In an infinte array of numbers, the size is unknown.
  • Binary search divides the array by two for each iteration following Top - down approach
  • For this problem, as we are unaware about the end pointer, we will follow Bottom - up approach
  • Bottom-up : Start with a small chunk of array and double up the size of the chunk by two for every iteration
  • Apply Binary search for each chunk and keep doubling the chunk until the element is found.

6. Peak Index in Mountain Array

  • Mountain Array is also known as Bitonic array.

  • In this array, the numbers in first part are sorted in increasing order and the second part in decreasing order.

  • Peak element is nothing but the maximum element in the array.

  • So, we have two cases where we can compare adjacent elements:

    • Ascending part where we can update the start = mid + 1
    • Descending part where we can update the end = mid
  • In the end, start == end and pointing to the largest number because of the 2 checks above

  • start and end are always trying to find the max element in the above 2 checks

  • Hence, when they are pointing to just one element, that is the max one because that is what the checks say

  • More elaboration: at every point of the time for start and end,

  • they have the best possible answer till that time and if we are saying that only one item is remaining

  • hence because of above line that is the best possible ans

7. Find in Mountain Array

  • Similar to Peak Index in Mountain Array, except the target is given
  • Here, we can first find the Peak Index
  • Then, apply Order Agnostic Binary Search in both parts of the Mountain array:
    • 0 -> peakIndex
    • peakIndex+1 -> arr.length - 1
  • And, finally return the answer

8. Search in Rotated Sorted Array

Amazon, Google

Rotated Array:

  • Consider an array = [2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12]
  • After 1st rotation, array = [12, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10]
  • After 2nd rotation, array = [10, 12, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9]

Approach: Find the pivot in the array

  • pivot is from where your next numbers are ascending
  • pivot is also the largest number
  • For example: [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2]
    • Here, the is pivot = 7
    • Both parts before & after the pivot is sorted in ascending order
  • So, we can follow the following steps:
    • Find pivot
    • Search target in first half => Simple BS (0 -> pivot)
    • If still not found, search target in second half => Simple BS (pivot+1, end)
  • Now, the problem is to find the pivot:
    • Consider [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2]
    • We can observe that only two elements 7, 0 are descending
    • So, when do we find the answer:
      • Case 1: When mid > mid+1 element, then mid is the pivot
      • Case 2: When mid < mid-1 element, then mid-1 is the pivot
      • Case 3: When start >= mid element, then end = mid - 1
      • Case 4: When start < mid element, then start = mid + 1
      • ( Explanation for case 3 & 4: if mid was pivot it would've returned by case 1 & 2... )
      • ( Hence, proved that bigger number lies behind in case 3 and ahead in case 4, so ignore mid in case 3 and 4 using mid (+ or -) 1 )
  • Now, we have to find the target:
    • If target == arr[pivot] return pivot
    • If target >= arr[0], Search target in first half => Simple BS (0 -> pivot)
    • If target < arr[pivot] search target in second half => Simple BS (pivot+1, end)

9. Search in Rotated Sorted Array with duplicates

  • The approach for duplicates are same as the previous problem except

    • The while loop should terminate when start>=end
    • The Case 3 & 4 will not work for duplicates
  • So, we can skip the duplicates by comparing start, mid and end only if they are not pivot elements

  • And then we can start reducing the search space based on the comparision of start, mid, and end

10. Find the Rotation Count in Rotated Sorted Array

  • Similar to previous approaches except
    • We return 0 if array's pivot is -1
    • Else we return the pivot+1 as the answer
  • Because the array rotates pivot times, and as we get 0-indexed pivot, we return pivot+1 as the answer.

11. Split Array Largest Sum

Google, Leetcode Hard Problem

  • Find the minimum (minAns) and maximum no. of splits (maxAns) we can make
  • Take the minAns and maxAns as start and end respectively
  • Apply binary search such that
    • the mid will be (minAns + maxAns) / 2
    • Traverse the array and calculate the cummulative sum to calculate how many pieces you can divide the array with this mid (max sum)
      • if sum becomes greater than mid, then reset sum to current number, and increment the no. of pieces
      • else continue adding sum
    • Now, apply checks for binary search
      • If no. of pieces are greater than m (given no. of partitions) then update start = end + 1
      • Else update end = mid

Split Array Largest Sum 1

Split Array Largest Sum 2

Split Array Largest Sum 3