
IMDb web scrapper is a project which scrapes top IMDb movies and directors

Primary LanguagePython


IMDb web Scapper logo

What's Unique about this project

  • IMDb web scrapper is a project which scrapes for:
    • Top 5 Movies and exports the output in the form of csv file
    • Top 10 Directors, their entire list of movies and exports in the form of text file
  • The python project collects the data from IMDb website using web scrapping library: beautiful soup.
  • The project also uses pure functions to achieve predictable data manipulation.
  • The python code is very clean, readable and modular which follows DRY principle (Donot Repeat Yourself).
  • The output is exported in the form of CSV and TXT files.

Output files

Top5Movies CSV output file

Top10Directors TXT output file


  • Python packages:
    • beautifulsoup4
    • requests
    • csv
    • lxml