
Python programming challenges

Primary LanguagePython


Challenge 1

Problems on Object Oriented Programming using Python:
  1. Create a class with name StringClass whihc should take string as an input from constructor.
    It should have a method to return length of the string.
    Another method to convert string to list of characters.

  2. Create a class PairsPossible which should inherit StringClass.
    It should have a method to store the list of all possible pairs formed.
    Another method to print the stored pairs seperated by space.

  3. Create a class SearchCommonElements which should take string as an input from constructor.
    Create a method to find common elements from strings taken from StringClass and PairsPossible classes.
    Return the answer in a list.

  4. Create a class EqualSumPairs to generate the count of total paris formed by PairsPossible class.
    Print the output for SearchCommonElements and EqualSumPairs classes.