
SDE Sheet problem solving on data structures and algorithms

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

SDE Sheet

SDE Sheet is a list for Mastering Problem Solving with Data Structures and Algorithms in 30 Days

Calendar progress

January 2022

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February 2022

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🔴 Striver's SDE Sheet

  • Myth: You should be really good at competitive programming
  • Reality:
    • Solving a bunch of 150-200 questions from GFG or Leetcode can get you stronger at Data Structures and Algorithms
    • Solving 150-200 questions gets your problem solving skills up
    • Because you are covering every Algorithm, you are covering Data Structure, you are covering every topic that could be possibly asked in the interview
    • So, once you are done with this 150 - 200 questions, what happens is, you are really good at your problem-solving skills or you are really good at your data structures and algorithms skills
    • And apparently, you are able to crack those interviews
    • This 150 - 200 questions helps you crack the majority of the product based companies in India
  • Striver's SDE Sheet: takeuforward.org/interviews/strivers-sde-sheet-top-coding-interview-problems/
  • This 180 questions will take you 1 month (30 days) if you are already into programming.
  • For every day, you need to around 8 to 10 hours, a proper 8 to 10 hours.
  • You should be able to spend 8 to 10 hours because you are wanting to get into India's top most companies and for that you have to sacrifice 8 to 10 hours per day for around 30 to 60 days (1 - 2 months).
  • If you cannot do this, then product based companies do not deserve you, there might be someone else who is waiting for you.
  • So, if you spend 8 - 10 hours per day to solve 6 questions for 30 days without having any cheat days in between, You would have solved 180 questions at the end of the 30 days.
  • After that 30 days, you should be really good at DSA and you should be able to crack any of the product based companies' interviews.
  • You have the list, how will you solve the problems:
    • Let's say, you are solving the problem find the middle of Linked list
    • Search for "middle of Linked list leetcode" on google
    • Open the leetcode problem link, try to solve the problem
    • Now, for best solution go to the Discuss Section and search for Most Votes
    • Sometimes you can go to Solution section of Leetcode
    • If you are not satisfied with those places for solutions, search "middle of Linked list gfg" on google
    • Go to the GFG article and refer the best solutions
  • Source of questions:
    • Striver's interview Experience,
    • Leetcode premium (lists),
    • Striver's work experience at GFG

Note taking Tips from Striver

  • Take a notepad, whenever you are solving a problem and you have successfully solved the problem on Leetcode or GFG, do this:
    • Write a function snippet in your notepad
    • So, what eventually happens is that after 180 questions, all these questions function snippets will be in your notepad
    • Now, make sure that every morning you should revise it (Apply Active Recall study technique)
  • Doing this on the first day may take you 4 hours,
    • the next day it might take you 3 hours,
    • and the next day it will surely take you 2 hours,
    • on the next day it will take you 1 hour and
    • eventually a day will come where it will hardly take 10 - 15 minutes.
    • You will be just crawling thourgh the pages and you will totally get it
    • and everything will stay in your mind
  • Don't memorize it, instead:
    • remember the approaches for the solving the problems,
    • remember the best complextity
  • So, if you remember the approaches, you have your implementation skills, you can easily implement in the interview
  • So, you should keep revising in the notepad on a daily basis
  • Keep doing this till you are interviewing with companies

Interview Prep Requirements

  • Striver's Core Sheet: takeuforward.org/interviews/must-do-questions-for-dbms-cn-os-interviews-sde-core-sheet/
  • Core Subjects: DBMS, Computer Networks, Operating Systems
  • Prepare notes from Striver's Core Sheet Website above
  • Resume:
    • Make sure to write those things in resume which you can answer if the interviewer asks you
  • Projects:
    • You should be ready with a reason for each project you created
    • Which tech stack you have used, and say why you preferred this tech stack and what other tech stacks did you consider
    • What are the difficulties you faced in your projects and what did you do to overcome them
    • So, create a script of 4 - 5 pages on above points for your projects
    • The interviewer will judge on briefing skills, how are you representing the project
  • Problem solving rounds:
    • If you know the given problem, do not jump into the solution directly:
      • because this will make the interviewer change the question
      • and it throws a negative impression that you do not know how to represent yourself in the interview
    • So, intially start off with the Brute-force approach:
      • Say the brute-force approach to the interviewer
      • Run some test cases on your brute-force approach
      • Say the time complexity and space complexity
      • Two things may happen:
        • The interviewer may ask you to code the brute-force
        • Or might ask you to make the brute-force approach better
    • Now, spend 5 to 10 minutes to present your thought process to getting towards the optimal appraoch
      • Write some test cases
      • Do some dry run
    • Now, you give the efficient approach to the interviewer. Once he is satisfied, provide the time complexity and space complexity
    • Now, the interviewer will ask you to code it:
      • Do not blindly write the code, that's a common mistake
      • Ask the interviewer that "Should I only write the function?" or "Should I write the entire code?"
      • Most of the cases, the interviewer will say "Yes" to write function snippet
      • Now, you write the code snippet in such a way that you are in the ears of the interviewer every time:
        • When you write the function, you tell him this function will do this and this
        • If you take two parameters, tell him that the 1st parameter is this and 2nd parameter is this, intially I will pass this and this
        • Tell him you are intiializing this and this
        • Do this until he/she says "please write the code and then once you are done then you can explain"
    • This process of interviewing send them the message that you actually want the job and you are really prepared and you are really motivated to bag it

Note taking - Ground rules

  • Topicwise, note down what type of problem uses which pattern to be solved via which type of optimization
Topicwise: Problem - Pattern - Optimization
  • Problem Solving Goal on Day-to-Day basis:
3 hours / day         =  6 Questions per day
6 Q's / day     * 30  =  180 Questions per month
180 Q's / month * 4   =  720 Questions in 4 months
  • Problem Solving is more important than note making, so don't stress too much in notes/documentation

Why SDE Sheet?

  • Solving 150 - 200 DS ALGO Questions on leetcode gets your problem solving skills up 💹

SDE Sheet Problems

✅/❌ No. Problem Pattern(s) Opimization
1 Sort an array of 0’s 1’s 2’s without using extra space or sorting algo
2 Repeat and Missing Number
3 Merge two sorted Arrays without extra space
4 Kadanes Algorithm
5 Merge Overlapping Subintervals
6 Find the duplicate in an array of N+1 integers
7 Set Matrix Zeroes
8 Pascal's Triangle
9 Next Permutation
10 Count Inversions in an array
11 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
12 Rotate Image
13 Search a 2D Matrix
14 Pow(x, n)
15 Majority Element
16 Majority Element II
17 Unique Paths
18 Reverse Pairs
19 Two Sum
20 4Sum
21 Longest Consecutive Sequence
22 Largest subarray with 0 sum
23 Count the number of subarrays having a given XOR
24 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
Linked lists
2 pointers
Greedy algorithms
Binary Search
Bit Manipulation
Stacks and Queues
Binary Trees
Binary Search Trees
Mixed Questions
Dynamic Programming