
Easy Screen Capture & Recording Protection in .NET MAUI

Primary LanguageC#


Easy Screen Capture & Recording Protection in .NET MAUI



Supported Platform

Android (tested on Android 13)
iOS (require 13+) (tested on iOS 16.4)
Windows (require Windows 10 20h1+) (tested on Windows 11)\

How to use

Just copy this single file at your project. https://github.com/bho3538/EasyMAUICapturePrevent/blob/master/MAUICapturePreventLib/PreventCapture.cs\

After copy and include it, just call like this at secure page code in your app.

public partial class SecureWebPage : ContentPage
    private MAUICapturePreventLib.PreventCapture _capture = new MAUICapturePreventLib.PreventCapture();
    public SecureWebPage()
        this.Loaded += SecureWebPage_Loaded;
        this.Unloaded += SecureWebPage_Unloaded;

    private void SecureWebPage_Unloaded(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // unprotect page from screen capture

    private void SecureWebPage_Loaded(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // protect page from screen capture

'MAUICapturePrevent' is sample project include secure webview page.

How does it work

In Windows platform, Call 'SetWindowDisplayAffinity' WinAPI to prevent capture.
In Android platform, Set 'FLAG_SECURE' at current app window.
In iOS platform, Create dummy 'Secure TextField' at current view.
(Credits : orakull's answer from stackoverflow 'https://stackoverflow.com/a/67054892')


License : MIT