
Waterfall CollectionView with custom height for each item and more for Xamarin Android and iOS.

Primary LanguageC#



The WCollectionView is a Grid Collection View for Xamarin Forms, where you can define a custom height for each item, getting the "Waterfall" effect. If you don't provide the GetHeightForItemDelegate, you can define a min. & max. heights, so the control will set a random height between those values.


  • Column Count
  • Custom item height
  • Grouping
  • Pull To Refresh
  • Header
  • Item Tapped Event
  • Header Tapped Event

Default Values

  • ColumnCount = 2
  • MinCellHeight = 150
  • MaxCellHeight = 250
  • HeaderTemplateHeight = 250
  • IsPullToRefreshEnabled = false
  • IsGroupingEnabled = false

On Android, in your main Activity's OnCreate (..) implementation, call:


In your AppDelegate's FinishedLaunching (..) implementation, call:

Custom Height For Item Delegate (GetHeightForItemDelegate)
double Lv_HeightForCellDelegate(object item)
    //calculate the item height here
    return 0;
Item Tapped Event
void WCollectionView_ItemTapped(object sender, Wapps.Forms.Controls.WItemTappedEventArgs args)


Setting IsGroupingEnabled = true you can define a GroupHeaderTemplate and set the ItemsSource a IEnumerable<IEnumerable>.

You can handle the Group Header tapped event

void WCollectionView_HeaderTapped(object sender, Wapps.Forms.Controls.WItemTappedEventArgs args)
