Ansible Role For Database


Setup MariaDB secure configration with specific port.

The authentication plugin is unix_socket by default.


Directory tree.

├── ansible.cfg
├── authorized_keys
│   └── aintek
│        └── centos
│        └── ubuntu
├── group_vars
│   ├── all.yml
│   ├── webserver_centos.yml
│   └── webserver_ubuntu.yml
├── inventory
└── webservers.yml

Inventory file


ubuntu ansible_host= ansible_port=22

centos ansible_host= ansible_port=22

Group Vars / Common settings(all.yml)

all.yml sets common variables.

This role refers mariadb- variables.

# Common settings
become: yes
ansible_user: root

# Private_key is saved in local host only!
ansible_database_private_key_file: ""

mariadb_max_allowed_packet: 2GB
mariadb_connect_timeout: 10800
mariadb_net_read_timeout: 7200
mariadb_net_write_timeout: 7200
mariadb_table_definition_cache: 600
mariadb_current_root_password: 'current root password'
mariadb_new_root_password: 'new root password'

Group Vars / Ubuntu(webserver_ubuntu.yml)

webserver_ubuntu.yml is webservers host's children.

If you want to add some users, use the mariadb_users variable.

This role refers mariadb_users variable having as below.

  • name as the user name
  • password as the user password
  • hostas the host server name
  • priv_type as the priviledge type
  • priv_level as the priviledge level

For priv_type and priv_level, refer to

ansible_user: ubuntu
become: yes
ansible_become_password: 'ThisIsSecret!'

  - name: application-user
    password: application-user-password
    host: localhost
    priv_type: ALL
    priv_level: '*.*'

Group Vars / CentOS(webserver_centos.yml)

webserver_centos.yml is webservers host's children.

  - name: application-user
    password: application-user-password
    host: localhost
    priv_type: SELECT
    priv_level: '*.*'

How to switch to password-based authentication from unix-socket-authentication

At the first time of switching to password-based authentication, You can switch between the settings as below.

mariadb_auth_unix_socket_plugin: false

mariadb_new_root_password: 'new root password'

How to update the root password.

When updates root password, add the mariadb_current_root_password variable as below.

mariadb_auth_unix_socket_plugin: false

mariadb_new_root_password: 'new root password'
mariadb_current_root_password: 'current root password'

How to DryRun and Apply


ansible-playbook -i inventory --private-key="~/.database/your_private_key" -CD webservers.yml --tags database


ansible-playbook -i inventory --private-key="~/.database/your_private_key" -D webservers.yml --tags database