
Simple shell, OS course Fall 1402

Primary LanguageC


This project is a simple shell implementation in C, designed for OS course to understand the fundamentals of operating systems and shell programming.

How to use?

To utilize the Simple-Shell, follow these steps:

$ sudo apt install libreadline-dev
$ gcc shell.c -lreadline -o shell
$ ./shell

How to Contribute?

1- Explore the Project:

Take a moment to explore the current state of the shell by reviewing the feature list. If you have ideas for improvement that are not yet implemented or wish to suggest features inspired by your experience with Linux shells, reach out to me to discuss and potentially add them to the feature list.

2- Contact for Contributions:

If you have suggestions, bug reports, or new features in mind that are not covered in the feature list, please contact me via Email or Telegram. We can discuss the proposed changes and add a record to the feature list table. Students contributing to the project will earn extra points.

3- Forking and Pull Requests:

Please follow these general steps:

  • Forking the repository
  • Creating a new branch for your changes.
  • Implementing your feature or bug fix.
  • Testing thoroughly to ensure the changes work as expected.
  • Creating a pull request with a clear description of your changes.

Feature list

Feature Comment Status
Command Execution Execute basic shell commands.
Pipe handling Facilitate command pipelines for efficient communication
Alias Support Enable users to define custom aliases for commands.


  • ⬜ In Progress: Feature partially implemented.
  • ✅ Done: Feature successfully implemented.