This is a python library that contains checks to ensure compliance with the AtMoDat Standard.
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New release
#128 opened by wachsylon - 1
enhancement for ATMODAT4.0: validate URLs
#124 opened by atmodatcode - 2
validate ORCID iDs
#122 opened by atmodatcode - 1
-cfv auto is not working
#125 opened by atmodatcode - 1
-cfv should allow for CF conventions 1.9
#127 opened by atmodatcode - 0
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Required environment variables
#120 opened by wachsylon - 2
double entries in long_summary_recommended.csv
#118 opened by atmodatcode - 1
User instructions how to update pre-exisiting atmodat data checker installation
#117 opened by atmodatcode - 1
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ATMODAT-{Version} in the Conventions attribute is recommended, *not* mandatory
#108 opened by atmodatcode - 0
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#109 opened by wachsylon - 3
short summary header
#112 opened by atmodatcode - 3
get ready for deprecation frame.append method used in
#113 opened by atmodatcode - 0
long_summary*.csv: sentences sometimes ending with point, sometimes without.
#115 opened by atmodatcode - 0
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Check mandatory ATMODAT requirements w.r.t. the description of Model’s Axes
#114 opened by atmodatcode - 4
Report error when variable has no units and neither standard_name nor long_name
#55 opened by atmodatcode - 2
Checker result when prescribed Controlled Vocabulary in recommeded and optional attributes are wrong
#110 opened by atmodatcode - 3
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Make checker installable as pypi-package
#91 opened by atmodatcode - 0
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Add tests for output of
#78 opened by jkretz - 0
Fix version numbers/commit hashes of dependencies
#94 opened by jkretz - 0
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#93 opened by wachsylon - 0
provide atmodat checker as conda package
#92 opened by atmodatcode - 1
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Establish development branch
#75 opened by jkretz - 3
Removal of Files in `op` dir
#87 opened by wachsylon - 0
WARNING: pip install -U -e . : pip is being invoked by an old script wrapper. This will fail in a future version of pip.
#86 opened by atmodatcode - 0
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Include option to enable and unable that atmodat checker checks recursively in subdirectories
#70 opened by atmodatcode - 0
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Add Changelog
#76 opened by jkretz - 2
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add a MaturityIndicator-style summary output
#46 opened by atmodatcode - 1
error raised when specifying -op
#72 opened by atmodatcode - 2
Remove [INFO] :: PYESSV output to standard output when running
#58 opened by atmodatcode - 0
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CV checks not working
#68 opened by jkretz - 1
check for featureType falsely raises error
#59 opened by atmodatcode - 0
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atmodat data checker misses for checking mandatory global attribute "source"
#57 opened by atmodatcode - 0
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Raise error if global attribute "Conventions" contains incorrect ATMODAT version
#41 opened by atmodatcode