
Generate and build a website using ChatGPT. (website generator)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Generate a Protfolio website using ChatGPT.

Generated example


My name is Sam, I'm a software engineer, I've 5+ years experince in the field.
I've worked in large companies such as Google, Microsoft,and Amazon.
I can speak three languages fluently: English, Spanish, and Arabic.
For my hobbies: Playing piano, Swimming,and Climbing.
My address: NewWork, USA.
Phone number: +243 323 43 55
Email: Sam@Mojo.com
Profile picture: https://www.wilsoncenter.org/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/media/images/person/james-person-1.jpg



Running the application

  • Get ChatGPT API key.
  • Create 'keys.txt' file in the repo directory, and copy-paste your API key into the file.
  • Run 'Python WebsiteGenerator.py'

Note: Sometimes ChatAPT doesn't provide quality website, so you try few times to get a good one.


Conributions are welcome, you can send me a message or open an issue.