Pedestrian Detection Project

This project demonstrates real-time pedestrian detection using the YOLOv4-tiny object detection model with OpenCV. It processes video frames, detects pedestrians, and annotates them with bounding boxes.


Before running the script, ensure you have the following installed:

  • Python 3.x
  • OpenCV (pip install opencv-python)
  • NumPy (pip install numpy)
  • imutils (pip install imutils)


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd pedestrian-detection

2.Download YOLOv4-tiny model files:

  • Download yolov4-tiny.weights and yolov4-tiny.cfg from the official YOLO website or other sources.
  • Save these files into the project directory.

3.Obtain the COCO labels file (coco.names):

  • The coco.names file contains a list of class names recognized by the YOLO model, including "person".
  • Place coco.names in the project directory.


1.Run the pedestrian detection script:

  1. Script Behaviour
  • The script opens a video file and starts processing frames for pedestrian detection.
  • Detected pedestrians are annotated with bounding boxes.
  • Press the Esc key to exit the application.


  • Input Video: Modify the video_path variable in the script ( to use a different video file.
  • Detection Parameters: Adjust NMS_THRESHOLD and MIN_CONFIDENCE constants in the script for controlling detection sensitivity.
  • Model Configuration: Customize the YOLO model by changing the configPath and weightsPath variables in the script.


  • This project uses YOLOv4-tiny, a deep learning model developed by the Darknet team. Visit the official YOLO website for more information.
  • The COCO dataset and labels (coco.names) are used for object recognition. Refer to the COCO website for dataset details.