A challenging ruleset for getting exercise while playing Cadence Of Hyrule.
Worthwhile Things To Note
- This isn't meant to be a formal exercise, so when I say to do a 'squat,' I don't mean execute it perfectly; it's only meant to describe the basic shape of the movement.
- This ruleset is really new, so there will be flaws I haven't thought of.
- I haven't figured out how this could be played in handheld mode. I would suggest using the Joy-Cons in docked mode.
When enemies are on screen (not fixed-beat mode)
- On every beat (or multiple of beat), do a squat.
- When attacking an enemy or block directly (ie using the dagger, spear, broadsword, shovel...), throw a straight punch in front of you. I don't include the flail as a direct attack, unless you attack within dagger range.
- If the pause menu is open, tap your foot instead of squatting.
If there are no enemies on screen, feel free to rest.
- Whenever you use the flippers, do a swimming motion.
- When using Nayru's Love, make a blocking stance (cross your forearms in front of you).
- When using Din's Fire, maybe blow air out to the beat?
- When enetering an area with a new song, I found it easiest to keep my character still upon entering the screen (so enemies won't begin to move yet) while bobbing my head to the beat, then practising a few squats in time to the beat, then moving my character.
- If dungeons get too exhausting, you could make a personal rule to allow resting on the pause screen (instead of tapping your foot).
- I found it really difficult to get used to the timing of the movements, so go easy on yourself! This ruleset has not been playtested very much at all.