
Deploying serverless NestJS to Azure Functions demo

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Deploying Serverless NestJS to Azure Functions

Full Article on the Trilon Blog:
Deploy your Serverless NestJS Application to the cloud with Azure Functions

Live Now deployment here

Trilon.io - Angular Universal, NestJS, JavaScript Application Consulting Development and Training

Made with ❤️ by Trilon.io


$ npm install

Running the NestJS Application

# development
$ npm run start

# watch mode
$ npm run start:dev

Nest Logo

Deploying to Azure Functions

First we need to ensure we build our NestJS application into the /dist/ folder, and then we can deploy it with either the terminal or IDE extensions!

$ npm run build

Then utilize either the azure-cli, or Azure Functions extension.

Trilon - JavaScript, ASP.NET, Node, NestJS - Consulting | Training | Development

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Trilon.io - Angular Universal, NestJS, JavaScript Application Consulting Development and Training

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