CQRS Project

This project is developed using .NET Web API technologies and is based on the CQRS pattern. The purpose of the project is to develop a RESTful API using vertical slice techniques to achieve high scalability and flexibility.

Project Description

This project is designed to perform back-end functions for an e-commerce application. Users can view products, add them to their carts, and place orders. The main focus of the project is high performance, scalability, and maintainability. The project is designed to serve as a template for developers who want to build similar applications with the same technology stack.

Project Setup

To set up the project, follow these steps:

Clone the repository to your local machine.

Install the required dependencies using NuGet. Build the project. Run the project using Visual Studio or the command line. Technologies The project uses the following technologies:

  • .NET Web API
  • CQRS pattern
  • MediatR package
  • Vertical slice architecture

CQRS Pattern

The Command and Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) pattern is a design pattern that separates read and write operations (queries and commands) into separate objects or services. In CQRS, queries and commands are treated as separate concerns, with their own distinct models and repositories.

By separating read and write operations, CQRS allows for greater scalability, flexibility, and performance. Since read and write operations often have different requirements and performance characteristics, separating them allows for optimization of each individually.

Not using CQRS can result in several issues. For example, if read and write operations are mixed together in a single service, it can be difficult to optimize performance for each operation individually. This can result in slow response times or other performance issues.

Additionally, not separating read and write operations can make it more difficult to implement complex business logic, since the same code must handle both queries and commands. This can result in a more complex and error-prone codebase.

Finally, not using CQRS can make it more difficult to scale an application. Scaling an application typically involves adding more resources to handle increased load, but if read and write operations are mixed together, scaling can become more complicated and less effective.

Overall, not using CQRS can result in a less scalable, less flexible, and less performant application, with a more complex and error-prone codebase.

Vertical Slice

Vertical slice architecture is a software architecture pattern that organizes the codebase of an application around the features it provides. Instead of organizing the codebase around technical layers (e.g. data access layer, business logic layer, presentation layer), vertical slice architecture organizes the codebase around the features or use cases of the application.

In a vertical slice architecture, each feature or use case of the application is implemented as a vertical slice of the codebase, consisting of all the necessary technical layers to implement that feature. For example, a feature for adding a product to a shopping cart might include code for the user interface, business logic, data access, and any other necessary components.