Giveindia coding test solution.

the mongodb atlas url is in the .env file to see the database just copy paste that url in mongodb compass.

how to install

1. clone this git repo

2. go to the cloned folder and find the folder GiveIndia

3. open the folder in a terminal

4. type and run the command "npm install" these will install all the required packages

5. after installtion type and run the command "npm start"

6. the server will start on port 8080 so in your api testing app like Postman or Insomnia write "localhost:8080" and the routes (look into the routes folder in the Giveindia folder to find all the correct routes)


use this heroku deployed link instead :-)

to test the "BasicSavings" Test case use these 2 account numbers "79-992-7017" & "76-517-4118" these are the only 2 basicsaving account created randomly.

Thank You

Atanu Paul.