
This is the server-side implementation of a Pizzeria App (CRUD) using GraphQL.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Pizzeria App (CRUD) - Server

This is a CRUD application built with React.js and Node.js. It allows users to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on a collection of pizzas. The system consists of a frontend developed with React.js for the user interface and a backend implemented with Node.js for handling data storage and retrieval. The API has been implemented with GraphQL


  • View a list of pizzas
  • Add a new pizza to the collection
  • Update existing pizza details
  • Delete a pizza from the collection


Before running this application, make sure you have the following software installed:

  1. Node.js
  2. npm (Node Package Manager): This comes bundled with Node.js installation

Getting Started

Follow these steps to get the pizzeria application up and running on your local machine.

Clone the repository:

  1. git clone https://github.com/AteeqRana7/pizzeria-graphql-server/tree/main

Navigate to the project directory:

  1. cd pizzeria-graphql-server

Install the dependencies for the backend:

  1. npm install

Start the development server for the backend:

  1. node server.js

Access the application:

Open your browser and visit http://localhost:8080 to access the GraphQL playground for the application.

Technologies Used

The pizzeria application is built using the following technologies:


  • React.js: JavaScript library for building user interfaces
  • React Router: Declarative routing for React applications
  • Apollo Client: GraphQL client for making API requests


  • Node.js: JavaScript runtime for server-side development
  • GraphQL: Server for making API requests


Contributions to the pizzeria application are always welcome. If you find any bugs or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


The pizzeria application is inspired by various CRUD examples available in the React.js and Node.js communities. Special thanks to the open-source contributors whose libraries and frameworks are used in this project.


For any inquiries or questions, feel free to contact the project maintainer:

Name: Ateeq Rana Email: ateeq.rana98@gmail.com GitHub: @AteeqRana7