
This app allows users to explore upcoming, top-rated, and now-playing movies and TV shows.

Primary LanguageKotlin

Movie App


This app allows users to explore upcoming, top-rated, and now-playing movies and TV shows. With features like real-time search, detailed movie/TV show information, and a favorite system, the app provides a comprehensive browsing experience.



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  • View top-rated, upcoming, and now-playing movies and TV shows
  • View detailed information about movies and TV shows, including cast, crew, ratings, and synopsis
  • Efficiently load and display large datasets using Paging 3
  • Users can like movies and TV shows, which are then saved to the favorites section.
  • Favorites can be filtered by type (movie or TV show).
  • Users can search for movies and TV shows by typing the title.

Tech Stack

  • Clean Architecture(MVVM)
  • Single Activity
  • Jetpack Navigation Component
  • Retrofit - Network Requests
  • Hilt - Dependency Injection
  • Paging 3 - Library for loading and displaying paginated data in a Jetpack Compose LazyColumn
  • Two-Pane Layout - For large screens, such as tablets, to improve user experience.

Getting Started

To get started with the WeatherApp, follow these steps:

1- Clone the repository:

   git clone https://github.com/AtefehTaheri/MovieProject.git

2- Open the project in Android Studio.
3- Get TMDB Api Key and add to local.properties with "API_KEY" tag


4- Build and run the application on your emulator or device.

Latest Release

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