CIRAAI..I've made a cool python project a virtual assistant..it is able to do basic things like searching wikipedia opening google youtube cracking jokes

Primary LanguagePython


Ciraai is a basic virtual assistant that can perform some defined activities. It is developed in Python and with the help of some powerful libraries that python provides such as speech_recognition(for taking speech as input) and wikipedia(for searching information) etc. It is a python program that is made using libraries and a basic if-else ladder.
The function that Ciraai provides includes:

  • To provide information for any topic asked by the user(for gathering information wikipedia module is used).
  • To crack a joke on command(for jokes content pyjoke module is used).
  • To open softwares/websites on browser.

Want to contribute?

  1. Fork this repo.


  1. Clone it on your local machine.


Copy this link and open command prompt and switch to the location you want to save the project and run ```git clone ```
  1. Open the folder in the IDE and run following command to install required libraries. pip install -r requirements.txt

  2. Add your changes or features.

  3. Before pushing the code run following command to avoid merge conflicts

git remote add upstream https://github.com/RIKI-05/VIRTUAL-ASSISTANT.git
git fetch upstream
git pull upstream master
  1. Stage all the changes using git add .\

  2. Add commit message git commit -m "<your message here>" and push the code using git push <remote name> <branch name>

  3. Then go to the main repo from where the project is forked and go into Pull Request tab and click create new pull request and request for new PR.



And bam!:fire: thats it.