
  1. Implementing backpropagation and Gradient checking

Algorithm for Forward Propagation

X: input data point, note that in this assignment you are having 5-d data points
y: output varible
W: weight array, its of length 9, W[0] corresponds to w1 in graph, W[1] corresponds to w2 in graph, 
     ..., W[8] corresponds to w9 in graph.  
you have to return the following variables
exp= part1 (compute the forward propagation until exp and then store the values in exp)
tanh =part2(compute the forward propagation until tanh and then store the values in tanh)
sig = part3(compute the forward propagation until sigmoid and then store the values in sig)
now compute remaining values from computional graph and get y'
write code to compute the value of L=(y-y')^2
compute derivative of L Y' and store it in dl
Create a dictionary to store all the intermediate values
store L, exp,tanh,sig,dl variables

Algorithm for Backpropagation

 L: the loss we calculated for the current point
 dictionary: the outputs of the forward_propagation() function
 write code to compute the gradients of each weight [w1,w2,w3,...,w9]
 Hint: you can use dict type to store the required variables 
 return dW, dW is a dictionary with gradients of all the weights

Algorithm for gradient checking

 compute the L value using forward_propagation()
 compute the gradients of W using backword_propagation()
approx_gradients = []
for each wi weight value in W:
    add a small value to weight wi, and then find the values of L with the updated weights
    subtract a small value to weight wi, and then find the values of L with the updated weights
    compute the approximation gradients of weight wi
    approx_gradients.append(approximation gradients of weight wi)
compare the gradient of weights W from backword_propagation() with the aproximation gradients of weights with gradient_check formula
  1. Optimizers

Implemented three types of Optimizers:

a) Vanilla Update
b) Momentum Update
c) Adam Update