
This is website in MERN stack like twitter

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This website is in MERN(MongoDB Express, Reactjs, Nodejs) stack like twitter:- https://social-folks.vercel.app/

You can Create a Post, Retweet Post, Comment on a Post.
Unique Feature (which isn't on twitter):- User can also Edit a Post. Also other users can see the original post that was edited.

Users can Follow, Unfollow a user.
Users can Update their description part too.

Searching of Post , Users can also be done.


  1. Create a Posts
  2. Retweet a Post
  3. Comment on a Post.
  4. Edit a Post. Unique Feature (which isn't on twitter)
  5. Follow, Unfollow a user.
  6. Update User description.
  7. Upload a Proifile & Cover Picture.
  8. Searching of Posts, Users.


MERN(MongoDB Express, Reactjs, Nodejs) Stack is used to build the website.

Frontend is made in Reactjs. Redux is used for login part.
Backend is made in Nodejs, express and Mongodb is the database used.

Firebase is used to host Profile & Cover Pictures of a user.

How to run project locally?:-

  1. Go to backend directory

  2. Do npm run install. Server gets started.

  3. Come out of backend directory. i.e. come in same level where src folder is.

  4. Do npm run install. Frontend gets started.

  5. In backend/config_folder create config.env

  6. In config.env file, put:-
                           a. PORT                        (Port number where server is to be run)
                           b. MONGO_URI              (MongoDb url of database to connect)
                           c. JWT_SECRET_TOKEN       (Can put any string as the token)

  7. Come to root level. (where src, package.json is)

  8. Create .env file, and put all firebase credentials. In env file, the variables should start with REACT_APP (e.g. REACT_APP_NameOfVariable). env file should have :-
                           a. REACT_APP_APIKEY
                           b. REACT_APP_AUTHDOMAIN
                           c. REACT_APP_PROJECTID
                           d. REACT_APP_STORAGEBUCKET
                           e. REACT_APP_MESSAGINGSENDERID
                           f. REACT_APP_APPID
                           g. REACT_APP_MEASUREMENTID