A Widget representing a checkout screen that accepts native and credit card payments along with a button for cash payments if your system has 'in person' payments. This is a UI only widget and is meant to compliment whatever third party transaction api system you are using.
Includes a CreditCardForm widget that allows you to utilize only the credit card form without the rest of the checkout screen if desired.
In the pubspec.yaml
of your flutter project, add the following dependency:
checkout_screen_ui: ^1.0.1
Import it to each file you use it in:
import 'package:checkout_screen_ui/checkout_page.dart';
This example is a very basic checkout page.
/// Build a list of what the user is buying
final List<PriceItem> _priceItems = [
PriceItem(name: 'Product A', quantity: 1, totalPriceCents: 5200),
PriceItem(name: 'Product B', quantity: 2, totalPriceCents: 8599),
PriceItem(name: 'Product C', quantity: 1, totalPriceCents: 2499),
PriceItem(name: 'Delivery Charge', quantity: 1, totalPriceCents: 1599, canEditQuantity: false),
// build the checkout ui
priceItems: _priceItems,
taxRate: 0.07, // 7% tax rate
payToName: 'Vendor Name Here',
displayNativePay: true,
onNativePay: (checkoutResults) => print('Native Pay Clicked'),
isApple: Platform.isIOS,
onCardPay: (paymentInfo, checkoutResults){
// add your own logic to handle the payment
// paymentInfo: contains information related to the card being used
// checkoutResults: contains the final list of items and costs the user expects to pay.
// NOTE: the user has the ability to change the quantity of items in the checkout screen
// so the final list of items and costs may differ from the original list of items and costs
// you provided to the checkout screen. MAKE SURE to handle this in your payment logic.
} ,
onBack: ()=> Navigator.of(context).pop(),
- Is there a bug in the code? File an issue.
If a feature is missing (the Dart language is always evolving) or you'd like an easier or better way to do something, consider opening a pull request. You can always file an issue, but generally speaking feature requests will be on a best-effort basis.