
Production ERP module for Programming II

Primary LanguageJava


Assignment for 3rd semester course "Programming 2"
Department of Management Science and Technology
Athens University of Economics and Business


This application is a potential module of an ERP system of an industrial company. Employees can monitor and manage raw materials and ready products' stock, record and update their customers and suppliers' data as well as orders from and to them. They can also get notified about low stock of products or ingredients. Application supports 2 roles-simple user and administrator. More information about the program's functions can be found at user's manual.



  • Java 8 or newer
  • MySQL server
  • Maven

Not supported

  • Raw Materials can only be provided by one supplier.
  • Database auto-installation



Run both erp_progII.sql and erp_progIITest.sql at a MySQL server


Enter your own credentials in order to connect to database. Open both proderp\src\main\java\gr\aueb\dmst\pijavaparty\proderp\dao\Dao.java and proderp\src\test\java\gr\aueb\dmst\pijavaparty\proderp\dao\DaoTest.java type them at username and password.


To install the .jar file from command line use

mvn clean install

and then enter the project folder and run

java -jar target\proderp-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar

If you wnat to install without tests use

mvn install -DskipTests

instead. After the .jar file is created you can just enter target folder and double click it.

Dummy Users

Enter one of these usernames and passwords to log in the application. To enter as admin type username:maria and password:12341234. To enter as simpleuser type username:nat and password:1234567. It is highly recommended the default user be deleted.


To run tests use

mvn test

Warning!! Before run the test make sure that keyboard's language is english. Don't use the keyboard and mouse when the tests are running.




Full Name Github Account Mail
Davari Athina (Team Coordinator) AthinaDavari t8180020@aueb.gr
Katsiapi Natalia nataliaKat t8180040@aueb.gr
Kokkorou Maria mariakokkorou t8180043@aueb.gr
Koutsoumpa Styliani Aikaterini Stella-Koutsoumpa t8180053@aueb.gr
Pantazopoulou Athina AthinaPantazopoulou t8180089@aueb.gr
Papakonstantinou Aggeliki AggelikiPapa t8180097@aueb.gr
Shambel Anna AnnaShambel3 t8180112@aueb.gr

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