
Solved coding challenge from some software company in Chicago

Primary LanguagePHP


Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to read and sanitize data from the accounts.csv file while using interfaces provided in the src directory.


User supplied data is unknown and inherently cannot be trusted. Data sanitation is a process of transforming untrusted data input into supported format prior to use or storage in a database.


composer install


Parser.php and Filter.php classed provided are placeholders and should be populated. You are free to use any tool necessary to accomplish your objective. The only requirement is that index.php should run as is, without needing much, if any, modification. You can run index.php to see data manipulation and to verify your work.


Parser class is responsible for interfacing with the accounts.csv input file and extracting its data.
Filter class is responsible for transforming supplied file data values into sanitized values ready for permanent storage.
Validate class is responsible for ensuring sanitized values conform to the defined specifications below.

Sanitation Specifications

Please sanitize data/accounts.csv data according to the following rules:

  • Column 1 = Account Number
    Account number should be a 10 digit string with leading zeros.
    For example, 12345678 should filter to 0012345678.
  • Column 2 = Account Name
    Account name should be a string and should not contain any special characters, only alphanumerics and (space), , (comma), - (dash).
    For example, @Widget Co., Inc. should filter to Widget Co, Inc.
  • Column 3 = Transaction Fee
    Transaction fee should be a number with precision of 2. Rounding is allowed.
    For example, $.201 should filter to 0.20.
  • Column 4 = Phone Number
    Phone number should be a string formatted as ###-###-####.
    For example, 1 (312) 555-1234 should filter to 312-555-1234.