
A python script to utilize LLVM, include building, cleaning and running LLVM bytecode

Primary LanguagePython

A Python script to utilize LLVM bytecode, include building, cleaning, and running LLVM bytecode.

###1. Why llbc? The key motivation for llbc is I cannot using existing building tools, like CMake, scons and makefile, to utilize LLVM bytecode. Although building LLVM bytecode is quite similar to compiling native C++ code, linking and running are quite different. In C++, we need to specify the linking directories and linking libraries. But we don't do that in llvm-link. Instead, we specify the linking libraries when running the target, using -load=XX.

Thus, I feel it's quite not consistency with using CMake or makefile. So I write this script to generate LLVM bytecode and to run it.

###2. How to use it? First of all, it's a python script, and that means you need to write python code.

Second, you need to write an Env class in llbc.py, like this:

     class Env:
          LLVM_BIN_DIR = '/Users/xuepengfan/tools/llvm-build/bin/'
          SRC_LIST = [ os.path.join(os.getcwd(), x) for x in srcs]
          TARGET = 'bq_llvm'
          INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES = [os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '../ff/include/')]
          LINK_DIRECTORIES = [os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '../bin/')]
          LINK_LIBS = ['boost_program_options', 'ff', 'pthread']

Third, run the python script!

    python llbc.py -gen  #This will build your project!
    python llbc.py -clean  #This will remove all generated files!
    python llbc.py -run   #This will run the targeted bin with llvm!

###Have Fun!