
Manager your Linux servers and Total.js applications easily. Free and open-source.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

MIT License




  • SuperAdmin is running on port 9999 which can be changed in run.sh script in /www/superadmin/run.sh
  • SuperAdmin is auto-generating port numbers for new applications starting from 8000. So for 100 apps you need to make sure ports 8000-8099 are free.
  • SuperAdmin must be run as root

Install requirements:

  • curl
  • openssl

SuperAdmin requirements:

  • bash
  • lsof
  • ps
  • netstat
  • ifconfig
  • uptime
  • grep
  • awk
  • wc
  • du
  • cat
  • free
  • df
  • tail
  • last
  • tar
  • cp
  • mkdir
  • npm

To install SuperAdmin run commands bellow:

  • run $ sudo wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/totaljs/superadmin/master/install.sh
  • run $ sudo bash install.sh
  • run $ cd superadmin and $ bash run.sh
  • login user: admin, password: admin (credentials are stored in /www/superadmin/config)

How do I translate SuperAdmin?

  • install Total.js as global module npm install -g total.js
  • then open SuperAdmin directory cd superadmin
  • then perform this command totaljs --translate
  • translate translated file translate.resource
  • and copy the content to /resources/default.resource
  • run app

Where does SuperAdmin store data?

All data are stored in /superadmin/databases/ directory. Applications are stored in application.json.

How to upload my application?

SuperAdmin uses a Total.js package mechanism. The mechanism creates a package file with a complete directory structure and all files.

  • first you have to install Total.js framework as a global module $ npm install -g total.js
  • then perform a command below:
$ cd myapplication
$ tpm create myapp.package
  • tpm creates a package file
  • and this file you can upload via SuperAdmin

Upload a new application

How to upgrade my older SuperAdmin version?

Don't worry, it's very easy.

  • backup file /databases/applications.json
  • backup your credentials in /config file (only credentials, nothing more)
  • copy all directories and files from a new version of SuperAdmin to your server
  • restore your backup file /databases/applications.json
  • restore your credentials in /config
  • you have to update SSL generator to latest version via bash /www/superadmin/ssl.sh --update
  • restart SuperAdmin bash run.sh
  • clear cache in your web browser

Nice to know

Bash script superadmin/ssl.sh can create or renew certificate manually:

$ bash ssl.sh superadmin.mydomain.com

$ bash ssl.sh superadmin.mydomain.com --renew

Uninstall SuperAdmin

  • stop all apps in SuperAdmin
  • kill SuperAdmin using this command $ kill -9 $(lsof -i :9999 | grep "total" | awk {'print $2'}) > /dev/null
  • to replace nginx.conf with backed up file use this command $ cp /etc/nginx/nginx.conf.backup /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
  • reload nginx service nginx reload and/or just stop it $ service nginx stop
  • if you added a cron job to start apps at system startup then remove this line @reboot /bin/bash /www/superadmin/run.sh from crontab using $ crontab -e command
  • remove /www/ folder, this will remove all ssl certificates, nginx conf files, all applications, etc.
  • to remove node.js run $ apt-get remove -y nodejs
  • to remove nginx run $ apt-get remove -y nginx
  • to remove graphicsmagick run $ apt-get remove -y graphicsmagick

## Contributors