
A Discord Bot to ask questions

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A Discord Bot to ask questions

How can I activate the bot?

  1. Download it
  2. Run in the root folder using a terminal "npm install discord.js" (you will need npm)
  3. Go to config.json and insert the token in "token": " " <- here
    • To get the token you need a Discord Account, then head to https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/me, then create an application, and create a bot inside the application. Finally, copy and paste the token. Remember that you musn't reveal the token because other people can modify your bot.
  4. Put in the terminal "node index.js"
  5. Enjoy! Default prefix is a!

How to use it inside Discord

  1. Create a channel called #questions-queue
  2. Use to post a question a!ask | title | description