
We Connect is an online booking platform for hotels. As the name, we connect users who are in search of hotels and hotels showcase their services!

Primary LanguageHTML


We Connect is an online booking platform for hotels. As the name, we connect users who are in search of hotels and hotels showcase their services!


Atieno Obwanda

Getting Started

To get a copy of Masomo Popote running locally on your end, you can:

  1. Clone this repository, by running git clone then:

for ssh:


or for https:

  1. Set up a python environment to run the application:
$ python3 -m venv env
$ source env/bin/activate
(env) $ pip install Django


Before you begin running the application, you must first install all the dependencies listed in the requirements.txt file.

 (env) $ pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. Create a database:
(env) $ pip install psycopg2

  1. Create a new .env file and set up the following configurations:
  • Database name, host, password and user.
  1. Make your first migrations:
(env) $ python manage.py migrate 
  1. Create a super user / admin:
(env) $ python manage.py createsuperuser


  1. Sign up as a user: https://weconnekt.herokuapp.com/api/signup/customer/
  1. Sign up as an admin: https://weconnekt.herokuapp.com/api/signup/admin/
  1. Admin dashboard: https://weconnekt.herokuapp.com/api/admin/dashboard/


To get this application deployed live on a server, you can follow the following guide: How to Deploy Django Applications on Heroku

Built With

  • Python3.9 - Backend

  • Django4 - Python Framework

  • Django Rest Framework - API end points

  • PostgreSQL - Database

  • Heroku - Deployment

User Stories:

Users can: Sign up and login Receive welcome email notifications View hotels and add bookings Receive bookings email confirmation View their recent bookings and the total amount charged. Update their profile Cancel booking

Hotel Admins can: Sign up and login Update their profiles Add, Edit and delete hotels Add and delete rooms View recent reservations View charged amount for each resevation View their reservations subtotal



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details