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Explore my Github:

Since youre here, you might want to further explore my github repos :)

SHMGAN 2023: Joint network for specular highlight detection and adversarial generation of specular-free images trained with polarimetric data

Mediapipe to OpenPose JSON 2023: Exporting Mediapipe keypoints as Openpose JSON

SpecSeg 2022: SpecSeg Network for Specular Highlight Detection and Segmentation in Real-World Images. --- There is now a Live Demo of the SpecSeg network on Huggingface. Please feel free to test at Huggingface SpecSeg space. (Note: Doesnt look correct on Safari browser due to Huggingface rendering, use Firefox/Chromimum based browsers please).

UWKFusion: C# Front end GUI for 3D scene reconstruction using Kinect v2 on underwater depth data.


These are a few among other private repos on TEM image segmentation, Pose Estimation, GCN networks etc.
