Todo List

We're going to put to good use our knowledge of fetch by creating a full application in the browser! To achieve this, you'll have to set up all the interactions with the server.


Learning Objectives

  • Explain that fetch is an API for making HTTP requests
  • Use fetch to make an asynchronous HTTP request and use the response data to update the DOM
  • Implement a JavaScript application that interacts with a server


  • Fork and clone
  • npm install
  • Run json-server with npx json-server --watch db/todos.json
  • Visit http://localhost:3000/todos in your browser to verify the server is running


  • Make a GET request with fetch to http://localhost:3000/todos to load all Todos from the server and render them in a list. Completed Todos should be grey and scored out.
  • When the form is submitted, make POST request with fetch to http://localhost:3000/todos to create a new Todo. Update the list of Todos without reloading the page.


  • Add a "Complete" button to each uncompleted Todo. When the user clicks it, make a PATCH request with fetch to http://localhost:3000/todos/[todoid] (replacing todoid with the actual ID of the todo) to update the todo as completed. Update the list of Todos without reloading the page.

  • Add a "Delete" button to each Todo. When the user clicks it, make a DELETE request with fetch to http://localhost:3000/todos/[todoid] (replacing todoid with the actual ID of the todo) to remove the todo. Update the list of Todos without reloading the page.

  • Add error handling to the app. The user should have a notification if something goes wrong


  • Make some requests to your server and inspect the response, so you can check the data structure before start coding
  • Focus first on rendering the data onto your page
  • Try to use function scopes to your advantage