Sets LEDs on/off based on configuration file
start_time is set to 7:00 and red led pin is 23, then red led is set on at 6:59.
wakeup_time is set to 7:30 and green led pin is 24, then red led is set off at 7:29 and green led is set on at 7:29.
end_time is set to 8:30 and then both leds are set of at 8:29.
- Raspberry PI x (doesn't really matter which one as long as you can connect to GPIO pins)
- SD card
- 2 x LED (e.g. green and red)
- 4 x jumper cables (2 goes to ground and 2 goes to pins)
- 2 x resistors
- Rasbian or something else distro that supports python3
- (optional, but really recommended) network access (wifi/lan) in order to keep the clock in sync
Example connections:
- python3
- python3-pip
- git
- install needed dependencies and setup cables
- git clone this repository
- run
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
inside cloned repository - run
nohup python3 src/ <config_file_path> &
in order to start running the process (to kill runkill -2 <pid>
- you might want to set that nohup command so that it'll be run always when machine boots up
Run command pylint src
Run command nosetests --with-coverage unittests
Run command safety -r requirements