
REST api using fiber framework written in golang and using firebase ecosystem to authentication, storage and firestore as a db and use clean architecture as base

Primary LanguageGo

Backend API Example

FiberGo Framework Docs : https://github.com/gofiber


This application using firebase ecosystem

  • Firebase Auth
  • Cloud Storage
  • Firestore


Start the application

go run main.go

please fill the .env file for production


docker build -t mockerize-backend .
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 mockerize-backend

Go to http://localhost:8080:


Clean Architecture is a concept introduced by Robert C. Martin or also known as Uncle Bob. Simply put, the purpose of this architecture is to perform complete separation of concerns. Systems made this way can be independent of frameworks, testable (easy to write unit tests), independent of UI, independent of database, and independent of any external agency. When you use this architecture, it is simple to change the UI, the database, or the business logic.

System Architecture

Architecture Layer Equivalent Layer Filename
External Interfaces Presenters and Drivers middleware and routes
Controllers Business Logic service.go
Use Cases Repositories repository.go
Entities Entities model.go

Basically, a request will have to go through route.go (and middleware.go) first. After that, the program will call a repository or a use-case that is requested with service.go. That controller (service.go) will call repository.go that conforms to the model.go in order to fulfill the request that the service.go asked for. The result of the request will be returned back to the user by route.go.