
A demo of using Nuxt Server Components and Vercel Postgres, legally

Primary LanguageVue

How is this not illegal (Nuxt)

My personal attempt to use Postgres directly from a Nuxt Server Component.

Based from Guillermo's How is this not illegal Next.js example.

Bonus: I added an input to dynamically control the limit returned by the server component :sparkes:

Setting it up

  1. Create a Vercel Postgres database and link it to your project
  2. Go to its settings and copy the psql command
  3. Add -f sql/init.sql like so to populate the database with some data:
    psql "postgres://{user}:{password}@{name}.{location}.postgres.vercel-storage.com:5432/verceldb" -f init.sql

Running it locally

pnpm i
pnpm dev