
Eloquent Many To Many relationship

Primary LanguagePHP

Read Many-to-Many basics & try with this code as you want

Go throw laravel documentation to read about it & many more blog

First you need to clone this and save .env.example as .env and setup your environment or just change the database configure

DB_PASSWORD=your-database-password(if have)

Now just run some command on terminal one by one

composer install
php artisan migrate
php artisan serve

for dummy or fake data you can run

php artisan migrate:refresh --seed

As I have said this is Many to Many relationship. // Imagine part

  • Example1: A Product can have many category
  • Example2: A category can have many product
  • Example3: A Company can have many projects
  • Example4: A projects can be assigned many Company
  • Example5: A Book can be write by many Writters
  • Example6: A Writter can write many Books

So I have just created Two model

  • Product
  • Category

And three migration file products, categories & category_product

Product Model are relation with hasOne

    public function categories()
        return $this->belongsToMany(Category::class);

Category Model are relation with belongsTo

    public function products()
        return $this->belongsToMany(Product::class);

    // You can save return $this->belongsToMany(Product::class, 'category_product');
    // $this->belongsToMany(Product::class, 'category_product');
    // relation pivot table name if you didn't follow the naming convention 

And controller code are depend's on condition what I need. So you can go throw the controllers method.

if you have Postman/any software like that please import One-to-Many.postman_collection.json file either call

- {url-of-your-app}/api/products                 --method : get      // get all product with categories list
- {url-of-your-app}/api/products/{product}       --method : get      // get single product with categories list
- {url-of-your-app}/api/products                 --method : post     // insert product details & category
- {url-of-your-app}/api/products/{product}       --method : put      // update product details & category
- {url-of-your-app}/api/products/{product}       --method : delete   // delete product and remove category relations 
- {url-of-your-app}/api/categories               --method : get      // get all category 
- {url-of-your-app}/api/categories/{category}    --method : get      // get all product under the category
- {url-of-your-app}/api/categories/              --method : post     // create category
- {url-of-your-app}/api/categories/{category}    --method : put      // update category by category/id
- {url-of-your-app}/api/categories/{category}    --method : delete   // delete category by category/id