
Repository containg 7 java assignments I completed for the Advanced Programming course. Indepth description of each of the projects can be found in their respective folders. Please refer to the question.pdf for further clarification.

Repository contains the following projects :

  • Assignment 1: Placements at IIIT Delhi. Elementary JAVA based menu driven program.
  • Assignment 2: E-commerce Platform. Implementation uses interfaces in JAVA and concept of polymorphism.
  • Assignment 3: Game ArchLegends. Implementation uses concept of abstract classes and polymorphism.
  • Assignment 4: Game ArchLegends. Extension of previous assignment. Implementation uses concept of object cloning, object comparison and object equality check.
  • Assignment 5: Race Track. Implementationg focues on concepts of inheritance, polymorphism and exception handling. Use of custom exeptions is present as well.
  • Assignment 6: Race Track. Extension of previous assignment. Implementation focues on Serilization/Derialization of Object along with tesing using JUnit Testing.
  • Assignment 7: Fibonnaci Number. Calculates nth Fibonnaci number using Multithreading and with the help of ForkJoinPool, while implementing Design patterns like Facade, Flywieght and Observer.

Dependencies and Miscellaneous Information

  • JAVA 8
  • IntelliJ
  • JUnit
  • All assignments except Assignment 1 were done using IntelliJ and projects can thus be directly imported in IntelliJ. Individual java files can we found in src directory of the corresponding lab.