A Web Platform that allows individuals to learn python programming in an enjoyable way, made as Course Project for CS251 - Software Systems Laboratory. The Project is inspired by Code Combat. More detailed description of Project can be found here.
Click on Start button on the home page to start the Combat
Choose the level which you want to play. There are 5 levels in the game
You will see a tutorial about the programming concepts of python which are being used in the level
Click on Play Now -> Start Combat to play that Level
Instructions and Logger will be displayed along with the arena
Follow the instructions and write your code in code editor provided
You have to help our Warrior using your Coding Skills to achieve his goal!
The warrior has decided to repeat the history of his ancestor Thanos. He is on his way to collect all the Six Infinity Stones and become the Supreme Power in Universe. But, He is intelligent and calm. He is not going to wipe out half the Universe, instead use the stones powers for well being of it. You are his friend from Earth to help him in his Journey. Each level awaits a infinity stone on success. You along with the warrior already have the mind stone with you. So, use it to collect the rest of the 5 stones and help the warrior for achieveing his aim.
Level 1 - Moving Across Time
Level 1
Moving Across Time
Programming Concept
Python Variables
Infinity Stone
Time Stone
Grassy Arena
Level 2 - Key To Success
Level 2
Key To Success
Programming Concept
Conditional Statements
Infinity Stone
Reality Stone
Fire Arena 🔥
Level 3 - A Soul, For A Soul
Level 3
A Soul, For A Soul
Programming Concept
Loops in Python
Infinity Stone
Soul Stone
Icy Arena ❄️
Level 4 - Power Of Functions
Level 4
Power Of Functions
Programming Concept
Functions in Python
Infinity Stone
Power Stone
Rock Arena
Level 5 - Traverse The Space
Level 5
Traverse The Space
Programming Concept
List Data Structure in Python
Infinity Stone
Space Stone
Universe Arena
Essential Features
5 Levels with different programming concepts to battle
Logger with success/failure messages and print statements for debugging
Code Editor
Used Code Mirror Library for creating a Code editor
Syntax highlighting using Code Mirror Themes, modes and several Addons for different Programming languages
Ability to get code from uploaded file using JavaScript Function
Suggestions/Auto-completions using CodeMirror Hints
Dynamic Configuration of Arena at each level
Each battle sets up a different placements of objects on reloading, that is it is Dynamically sets itself (Bonus part)
Each Battle fought on different arena settings with a unique Theme and underlying Programming concept
Used Doxygen for Report and Documentation. For Documentation of the Project, refer to the index.html file in html folder of this Project or just click here to view it
Extra Features
Hint Button at every level to assist the user with some help
A Tutorial at start of every level to teach some basic part of Programming concept that is being used in the level
A Modal Box at start of each level that explains a storyfied theme of the level to user. This is made to fascinate user through an underlying story theme so as to keep the user's interest along with Coding
An Animation Speed Button in each level to control speed of the warrior's moves. Using it, the Speed can be made
Used doxygen-awesome-css theme for more elegant and nice Documentation of the Project.