
Used for monitoring CPU and GPU of a proxmox server from a windows computer

Primary LanguageC#

Used for monitoring CPU and GPU of a proxmox server from a windows computer

You need to run VM_Manager_Host service on the proxmox host Do not set the proxmox web gui port in hosts.txt

Proxmox host ip's need to be specified in hosts.txt file, Each host needs to be on newline

This is an example:

Configuration file config.json is automatically created on first startup

This is the default config:

  "monitoring_refresh_rate_ms": 500,
  "cpu_max_temp": 90,
  "gpu_max_temp": 80,
  "color_background": "#282828",
  "color_bar_background": "#282828",
  "color_bar_border": "#AAAAAA",
  "color_cpu_usage": "#46C948",
  "color_ram_usage": "#468CC9",
  "color_cpu_temperature": "#FF8800",
  "color_gpu_power_draw": "#FF4A4A",
  "color_gpu_memory_usage": "#46C948",
  "color_gpu_temperature": "#FF8800",
  "color_gpu_fan": "#468CC9",
  "color_gpu_memory_bar_used": "#46C948",
  "color_gpu_memory_bar_free": "#468CC9"

*This is not the best code but works for me...