
Library for drawing particle effects in Minecraft java edition using bedrock json files

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Contributors Forks Stargazers Issues APACHE-2.0 License



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About The Project


With this library, you can design particle animations with snowstorm and draw them in a Minecraft world.

Currently only Minestom is supported.

Getting Started

A full, runnable example server can be found in here

Particle examples can be found here

Adding as a dependency

Add the following to your build.gradle.kts file:

repositories {

Add the library as a dependency

dependencies {

The lastest version number can be found here


To execute the code you must add the java VM flag --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED.


ParticleEmitter supports the following features

  • Emitter lifetime expression, loop and once
  • Emitter rate instant and steady
  • Emitter shape box, disc, point and sphere
  • Particle tinting (colour)


Minecraft Query Language (MQL) does not fully support Molang

  • Variables do not work
  • Functions do not work

Particle Restrictions

  • Velocity only works on certain particles and acceleration don't work on any particles
  • Custom particle textures don't work
  • Curves have not been implemented
  • Particle lifetimes have not been implemented

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