
Missing taxons, genus, phylum, class, order etc when importing list from a file

Closed this issue · 3 comments

@charvolant reports a number of columns missing in KVPs when uploading a species list.

For example:
When a name is matched,

Scientific Name (matched)Common Name (matched) | Family (matched) | Kingdom (matched) will be replaced

other fields which currently are missing, e g.
Taxon Rank | Genus| raw Phylum | raw Class | raw Order etc

Also expected to see:
raw Kingdom | raw Family etc

See examples:

Doug's workaround:

Other changes
Store the original header names as keys, no more camelcase conversion, (Required by Doug) e.g.I
In previous version,
"commName" is also converted to "vernacular name"
"profileNo" is converted to "profile no"

And we accept the different variants of "vernacular name", such as "commonName, common, vernacular..". In new version, we still interpret this way, we store the 'original name' as key of KVs.

Add a new table to store taxonomic info for the matched species.
Original taxonomic data will be stored as KVPs without changes.

How to test:

After create a list, we should be able to see the second column filled with taxons from matched species

Screenshot 2023-09-28 at 10 37 24 am

Hi @qifeng-bai - is this still in-progress?

I'm also a bit confused by this ticket, as the "other fields which currently are missing" are never generated, when you create a new list. AFAICT those fields are no different to any arbitrary KVP fields the user might include like "colour" or "body length".

@nickdos It should be marked as completed. "The rest of fields" should be stored as KVP in List