
Repository of tools + information for Linux environments 🐧

Primary LanguageShell

Linux Tools 🐧

Collection of various tools for working in a linux environment


Files and directories are accessed by file paths

  • A file path relative to your terminal's current directory
  • A file path relative to the root of your filesystem


cd {directory}
  • Changes directory of the terminal to directory
  • Use .. to navigate to a parent directory
mkdir {directory_path}
rmdir {directory_path}
  • Makes/removes a directory
cat {file_path}
  • Inspects the contents of a file
rm {path}
  • Removes a file or directory at path
  • use -rf flags to recursive delete a directory that has contents

Installing packages

sudo apt-get update
  • Updates the package registry so apt-get can install the latest packages
sudo apt-get install {package}
  • Installs a package onto your machine

Locating files

whereis {application}
  • Shows all locations relevant to an application
updatedb --prunepaths="/mnt/c"
  • Updates the databased used for the locate command. Should be run before the locate command
  • --prunepaths argument can hide paths, such as the Windows filesystem mnt in WSL
locate {filename}
  • Searches the filesystem database made by updatedb for a filename


Links are pointers to files

ln {file_path} {link_path}
ln -s {file_path} {link_path}
  • Creates a hard link
    • Hard links point directly to the file contents
    • If you removing the original file after making a hard link, you can still access the file through the hard link
  • Creates a soft link
    • Soft links point to the file path, which then points to file contents
    • Acts like a shortcut
    • If the original file is destoryed then the soft link is invalid and must be deleted


Services are processes that run in the background of Linux. They can be configured with a .service file, which should be placed inside of /etc/systemd/system/.


You can also just create a symbolic link to the .service file and move the link inside of /etc/systemd/system

sudo systemctl status {service}
  • Returns status of service
sudo systemctl stop {service}
sudo systemctl start {service}
  • Stops/starts a service
sudo systemctl enable {service}
sudo systemctl disable {service}
  • Enables/disables a service inside of /etc/systemd/system/


sudo apt-get install postgresql
sudo systemctl start postgresql

Postgresql has it's own cli called psql. To use it run

sudo -U postgres psql
  • Connects to your local database with root user privledges


You can execute Postgres SQL statements directly within PSQL cli.

  • Exists the CLI
  • Information about your connection to the database.
  • Useful for finding the port it's hosted at.