
Easy websocket server in php (ws client coming soon)

Primary LanguagePHP

Atom\ws - easy websockets in php

This library is based on the js npm package https://www.npmjs.com/package/ws and was designed to function in a similar way...


  • add the repository directive to your composer.json file
  • include Atom/ws websockets library in your require directive
  • run composer update to download the library into your vendor directory
  • re-generate the vendor/autoload.php file if not already with composer dump-autoload -o
    "repositories": [
            "type": "vcs",
            "url": "https://github.com/iAtomPlaza/ws"
    "require": {
        "atom/ws": "dev-master"
composer update && composer dump-autoload -o

Setting up the websocket server

1: first we need to instantiat the WebsocketServer class with the parameters:

  • address
  • port
$wss = new \Atom\ws\WebsocketServer("", 8080);

2: now you can add event listeners and other options to the WebsocketServer instance

  • see events for a list of supported event handlers
$wss->on("connection", function ($ws) {
    echo "Connection established\n";

3: the returned $ws variable is a Websocket instance and is used to send and recieve data on the socket connection

  • $ws is the an instance of the client that sent the message
  • $message is a string and contains the message that was sent by the client
  • to send data back to the client, just call $ws->send(string $message)
$wss->on("connection", function ($ws) {
    echo "New client connected\n";
    $ws->on("message", function ($ws, $message) {
        echo "Recieved client message:" . $message;

        // send message back to the client...
        $ws->send("some realy cool meesage I want to send back!");

4: now call the listener method to start the websocket server

  • this must also be the last method called as it is blocking
  • if you add event listeners and other options, they must be set before this method is called.


Websocket WebsocketServer descriptsion
error called when an error ocurrs
connection called when a connection is established
disconnect called when a connection is closed
message called when a message is recieved

full code example


require_once __DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php";

use Atom\ws\Websocket;
use Atom\ws\WebsocketServer;

$wss = new WebsocketServer("", 2222);
$wss->on("connection", function($ws) {
    echo "New client connected\n";

    $ws->on("message", function($ws, $message) {
        echo "Message recieved: " . $message . "\n";

$wss->on("disconnect", function () {
    echo "Client disconnected\n";
