
Shared cab booking application using bellman ford algorithm and google maps with web3 based payment system

Primary LanguageJavaScript


OSMD Book Cab (One Source Multiple Destination)

About OSMD Book Cab

  • Book Cab is a web app that optimizes the rideshare booking approach. This app serves as a single source to help users find the shortest path for multiple destination, shared rides.

  • The goal of this project is to figure out the shortest feasible path from a given starting point using an algorithm. The performance of the developed algorithm will be studied for practical use.

How it Works

  • Works on Bellman-Ford algorithm to compute shortest and optimized path by considering each location as a vertex of the graph.
  • The booking is then paired with max 4 people based on the route and low cost.

What is Bellman-Ford Algorithm

The Bellman–Ford algorithm is an algorithm that computes shortest paths from a single source vertex to all of the other vertices in a weighted digraph.

Features and Interfaces

  1. Registration page

    • image
  2. Booking page

    • image
  3. Your bookings

    • image
  4. Bookings accepted

    • Booking accepted but payment pending
    • image
    • paying using ethereum (SepoliaETH)
    • image
  5. Bookings accepted

    • Booking info of individuals who will be sitting in the same shared cab.
    • image
  6. Your route

    • See your route on your bookings accepted page.
    • image
  7. Chat Functionality

    • image

Getting Started

  • Add google maps API.

    • Create your billing account at google maps platform (google console).
    • Generate Api key to access the services.
    • Add the api to .env file.

  • Setup using docker

    • docker-compose build
    • docker-compose up
  • Setup

    • pip install -r requirements.txt
    • python server.py
  • Run Tests using pytest

    • pip install pytest
    • python -m pytest