- Copy cell contents with CTRL+C or CMD+C
- Paste cell contents with CTRL+V or CMD+V
Install using npm
npm install ui-grid-custom-cell-select
Install using bower
bower install ui-grid-custom-cell-select
Add plugin as dependency to your module
angular.module("app", ["ui.grid", "ui.grid.custom-cell-select"]);
To add custom cell selection functionality you have to insert ui-grid-custom-cell-select
directive to your table.
<div ui-grid="gridOptions" class="grid" ui-grid-custom-cell-select></div>
When you select grid cells ann additional css class (ui-grid-draggable-row-over
) is applied to them. This plugin has default styling for these elements. If you are using less you could import styles into your application.
- Improve documentation/readme
- Cleanup code to meet UI-Grid module standards
- Write tests
- Add more features!
If my plugin helped you, feel free to paypal me whatever you think it was worth!
Plugin ui-grid-custom-cell-select was originally developed by Brenden Peterson.
Paste functionality and macOS compatibility by Jairo Honorio.
The MIT License © 2016 - 2017