This is a homebridge plugin to control blinds/shutters via mqtt.
If you are new to Homebridge, please first read the Homebridge documentation. To install the plugin use:
sudo npm install homebridge-mqtt-blinds-tasmota -g
"bridge": {
"name": "homebridge",
"username": "CC:22:3D:E3:CE:30",
"port": 51826,
"pin": "031-45-154"
"accessories": [{
"accessory": "mqtt-blinds-tasmota",
"name": "Living Room Blind",
"manufacturer": "DIY",
"model": "Prototype",
"serialNumberMAC": "",
"mqttBrokerUrl": "mqtt://",
"mqttUsername": "username",
"mqttPassword": "password",
"mqttTopic": "my_blind",
"mqttShutterIndex": "1",
"platforms": [
Variable | Description | Example |
accessory | Name of the accessory plugin. | mqtt-blinds-tasmota |
name | Name for your blinds. | Living Room Blind |
manufacturer | Manufacturer of your blind | DIY |
model | Model of your blind. | Prototype |
serialNumberMAC | Serial number of your blind. | |
Variable | Description | Example |
mqttBrokerUrl | IP Adress of your MQTT Broker | mqtt:// |
mqttUsername | Your MQTT Broker username | username |
mqttPassword | Your MQTT Broker password | password |
mqttTopic | The main topic of your blind | my_blind |
mqttShutterIndex | The shutter index in tasmota (could be 1 to 4) | 1 |
Use these variables to override the computed topics (mqttTopic + mqttShutterIndex).
Variable | Description | Example | Default Value |
mqttShutterName | Shutter name as seen in tasmota. | Shutter1 | Shutter{mqttShutterIndex} |
mqttTeleTopic | Telemetry topic position from 0 to 100. | /tele/my_blind/SENSOR | /tele/{mqttTopic}/SENSOR |
mqttCommandTopic | Topic to set position from 0 to 100. | /cmnd/my_blind/ShutterPosition1 | /cmnd/{mqttTopic}/ShutterPosition{mqttShutterIndex} |
mqttResultTopic | Topic to get position from 0 to 100. | /stat/my_blind/RESULT | /stat/{mqttTopic}/RESULT |