
Generic Linked Data framework for SPARQL tripestore backends. Apache license.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Core is a Linked Data framework. It crosses Apache Jena RDF API with the JAX-RS REST API (Eclipse Jersey implementation), providing in a uniform Linked Data API.

Core serves as a base for AtomGraph Processor. It is implemented as a Java Web application (uses Maven).


AtomGraph Core server provides features similar to that of Pubby:

  • serving Linked Data from a SPARQL endpoint
  • HTTP Basic authentication for endpoints

For more advanced features and configuration, see AtomGraph Processor.


The Core is configured in web.xml

Uncomment http://www.w3.org/ns/sparql-service-description#endpoint and https://w3id.org/atomgraph/core#graphStore init parameters and provide their values. Otherwise the server will not start.

Linked Data API

  • low-level access to remote Linked Data resources and SPARQL endpoints
  • JAX-RS interfaces and implementations of a Linked Data resources
  • JAX-RS providers for input and output of RDF data

